Earlier this month I wrote about a dream where a group of people were trying to kill me. Well I think that I am having a reoccurring theme in my dreams. (You actually don't have to read this. I'm just documenting my dreams to review later).
This time I met a Caucasian man who was considerably older than me in church, or a church event. Somehow I was able to get a list of the classes we would be taking in the next few semesters and they were difficult classes. I personally love smart guys so I was starting to like him. At some point he asked me to have dinner with him. But first I asked my cousin would it be fine with her if I had him over for dinner and she basically said yes.
We were sitting down talking and for some reason he got up and started covering parts of the tiled window with napkins. I got up also but that was because my mother was there and kept talking. She basically kept saying that it wasn't a good idea to have this man in my home. My old female Praise Team Director also appear basically saying the same thing. In my head I was telling myself that I would have never allowed him to come by if I would have been alone. I soon got agree with my mother and yelled that I asked my cousin first if it was fine with here. (NOTE: All the conversations with my mother were in Haitian-Creole, while the conversations with my praise team director were in English).
When me an the man, I forgot his name, were talking he said something about going to a school in Kentucky and he hated it. Then later on his male friend, who also just appeared, said something about him wanted to go to Medical School. He asked where exactly is LECOM and I answered in Bradenton, Fl. I asked my date a few questions about Med School and he would answer them either arrogantly or would tip toe around the answer because he didn't know. This should have been suspicious, but I didn't realize until he was trying to kill me.
How date ended, and when he was home he had a machine in his pantry that would talk to him and give him his straws. He loved drinking with those straws but he told the machine that the drink he was drinking would have been so much better if he had killed me and then he vowed that he would kill me. Somehow I was in his home and I heard this so I ran upstairs and tried to figure out a way to get out. It took me a while, because as you can see I am very detailed, so I kept thinking that he would figure out what I would do and be waiting for me where ever I went.
Somehow I got out and ended up diving in trash and under a home to try to hide. He found the spot where I was hiding. As he was looking for me a young man of African decent, possibly in High School, walked out and saw him. He beat the child to death by punching him and slamming his head against a silver car that was parked. Then he ran off and the entire neighborhood walked out to see him leaning against the car bloody and dead.
But my mind flipped it, and made him alive and this time he was a woman who was of Hispanic decent. She told the group of people that she saw me under the house and that the man was looking for me. She changed my name and went on to tell a store about how I wanted to kill myself. Then my mind jumped to a narrative and asked why did the young lady change my name? I thought it was to protect me from the man because if he was still around he would think that he followed the wrong person. Someone from the group answered and said that the name represented her because she wanted to kill herself for all the reasons she mentioned. He asked the narrator did she actually go through with it, and the voice said yes.
This is basically were my dream ended. I have no idea why I'm having dreams about people trying to kill me. I have no idea what theses dreams actually mean, but they are starting to freak me out. Last time I had reoccurring dreams about death my grandmother died. I know that it might sound weird to some of you, but sometimes my dreams tell me the future or reveal things about the people in my life. I know these dreams mean something, I just don't know what.

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