People are trying to kill me..... well in my dreams they are. For a while now I have been dreaming about people hunting me down so that they could kill me and the latest installment was last nights dream. The only thing different was that now the dream involved my brother and cousin, I think because we live together now.
Here's the dream:
When I came home for some reason there were police officers outside my apartment guarding. I went inside and after sometime passed I told my brother that I was going to go for a walk because I was upset about something. I hear someone on the phone, I believe it was a police officer, say something like "Don't let her go! Keep her in the house!" The officer was urging my brother to not let me leave the house and I didn't know why.
When I tried closing the front door back it wouldn't close. The door was getting stuck on something and I could hear people outside yelling and running to my apartment. So I frantically tried closing the door and it finally was able to close and I locked it.
I looked outside the window and saw a group of men standing in the parking lot, they had weapons but I didn't know what they were. There might have been about 3 or 4 men of Caucasian decent and maybe one man that was of African decent, but I kind of doubt that because of what they were saying. These men were yelling out racial slurs and derogatory terms toward females and they really wanted to kill me. I have no idea why or what I did to make them so angry but they were so angry that they stood outside my apartment for hours yelling and saying that they were going to kill me.
My brother and cousin were in the house with me and I tried protecting them and putting them in a safe place so that if the men started shooting at us they would be safe. I tried hiding them in the kitchen and my bathroom but for some reason that didn't work and they didn't want to stay. I don't think they actually understood what was going on because I kept yelling at them to not stand in front of the window and crawl around the apt if they had to go to another room.
I wanted to call the police but I couldn't because my cellphone wasn't working. It was like these men had figured out some way to interfere with my phone line and not get it to work and cut off the electricity in my apartment, but for some reason the ceiling fans were still working. Throughout the dream I was thinking to myself and trying to figure out why were the police officers not outside my door anymore.
At some point my cousin wasn't around, I think she might have been in the living room, and my brother and I were hiding in my room. I was hiding in the space between my bed and wall while my brother was on my bed. I kept telling him to get off the bed and come into this space, but he took forever to actually do what I said. I heard a type of noise and in the corner of my eye I saw a car outside a window that was behind me. Somehow these men were able to jack up the car to the third floor. I knew these men were in the car and they had guns, so I took my brother into my bathroom so we could hide.
At this point I told myself to wake up because I knew it was a dream and I didn't want to know what would happened next because we got so close to the end. I don't think my mind would have actually let me die but I didn't want to know what these men would try doing next to me and my family.
I'm not too sure what this dream means so if any of you want to give an interpretation you are free to do so. Also, comment below about any crazy dreams you've had.

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