I hate the fact that if I decide to wear my hair in a colorful style or if I get a lip piercing I will automatically be seen as ghetto or "trying to be white." Different races and ethnicities have different norms, but deviating from those norms to that of other cultures doesn't mean you are trying to be like someone else... you are just being true to yourself. Most people think that just because I'm dark skinned I can't wear color and I believed that as a child. I never wore pink or purple lipstick until I got to Junior year of High School and now I love it.
The popular misconception is that the fairer your skin is the more you can do with color. IT SUCKS! I feel like if any dark skinned girl tries to cross those lines she is seen as a ghetto bunny. I know that certain colors go best with certain skin tones but we shouldn't have to fear experimenting because we will be judged by the world. If I wanted to wear blonde hair then I am sure that I could pull off blonde hair, I would just have to find the right tone of blonde that would complement my skin. It's all about balance.
One of my goals after graduation is to not fear what the world will say about the way I look. I realize that I will never please everyone but I know that I can try pleasing myself. It's time to let this Sapfire out for the world to see.

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