Hello Beautiful Starlets!
Today was a good day. This morning I walked barefoot in Downtown Orlando! Crazy. Never thought that I would be able to do that. It was a walk to raise awareness about AIDS and Poverty in Africa. A young woman in the Central Florida area hosted "Take The Walk." For every person who participated in the walk the band Hanson will donate $1 to Blood:Water Mission. I'm not entirely familiarized with either Hanson or Blood:Water Mission but I decided to participate because they were going to sell REBUILD globally sandals at the event.

If you don't know I am an intern for the nonprofit organization REBUILD Globally. REBUILD Globally operates in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and hires Haitian's to repurpose tires and old leather into sandals. It's a wonderful organization and I believe in its mission. I wanted to show support for both causes so I walked, and also dragged my little brother with me.
It was a wonderful feeling knowing that something as simple as walking a mile around Downtown is having an impact on the lives of people on the other side of the pacific ocean. Maybe I was feeding my ego, but doing good really makes you feel good. It was a bit of revival in my humanitarian spirit. I know that I want to be the change that our world needs.... that Haiti needs.
I absolutely forgot how uncomfortable it is to walk barefoot. Sharp pebbles dig into your skin, the concrete is hot, and the ground is filthy. But walking barefoot allowed for me to get over myself. I only did that for a few minutes but there are thousands of people doing that everyday,
and in worst conditions than Downtown Orlando.
I challenge all of you to go out and make a difference in your community. People around the world are looking for someone and something to give them hope for another day. Be that HOPE!

For more information about
Take the Walk click
here or visit www.takethewalk.net
For more information about
REBUILD Globally click
here or visit www.rebuildglobally.org