That might sound a bit conceded ... like "who wants to know about your life?" Great question and I can't give you an exact answer. Most people won't give a flying monkey about who I am or what I have to say, while others might. I'm more writing for myself, documenting life and my experience living as a Haitian girl in the United States, and maybe along the way something I say might be of encouragement.
In just a two months I will be entering a new phase in my life.... The real world. I'm graduating college with a Bachelor's of Science in Biology, two minors in Health Science and Nonprofit Management, and a certificate in Nonprofit Management. Ohh, and did I mention I'm working on being a doctor too? These next few years are going to be quite interesting, and possibly a lot more stressful than my entire undergraduate career. I will have to deal with the stress of studying for the MCAT and decided exactly what to do with the rest of my life.
This blog is basically going to be about:
Life through the eyes of a young Haitian Woman who is balancing being Haitian, American, and a Women in opposing cultures.I'll post about anything that peaks my interest. It might be about my sense of fashion, relationships in general, future advancements and goals, cooking, Haitian culture, or anything else my heart desires.
i = eye
- life through my eyes (get it.... I'm a dork so you'll have to get used to it)
sapfire = sapphire
- my birthstone. The weird spelling?... I don't feel as though I fit into any standard group of people so the spelling encompasses that feeling. You'll learn soon enough what I mean.

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